Have you ever thought of the herbs that your mom used in her cooking? Curry leaves is one of them. She perhaps knew its benefits. Let’s understand what the curry leaves offer to us as benefits.

Curry leaves (sweet neem)

Botanical name - Murraya koenigii

Ayurvedic name - Surabhini nimba

Curry leaves in Tamil - karivepilai

Curry leaves in Hindi – kadi patta, meethi neem


The plant is native to India and Srilanka. It usually grows in tropical and sub-tropical climates.

Curry leaves are used as part of the cuisine in Indian and Sri Lanka. It is basically a flavouring agent in many dishes. It has a pleasant aroma and renders many medicinal benefits along with a palatable taste.

The medicinal benefits of curry leaves are plenty.

  • Has antioxidant properties
  • Can aid in arresting diarrhoea, indigestion
  • It can moderate excessive digestive juices secretion  
  • It can calm peptic ulcers
  • Helps in controlling sugar levels
  • Can correct unhealthy cholesterol levels
  • Has anti-cancerous properties
  • Protects the liver
  • Rich source of Vitamin A, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, carotene and oxalic acid
  • Daily consumption prevents greying of hair
  • Arrests hair fall
  • Controls blood pressure
  • Arrests vomiting
  • Enhances memory
  • Promotes appetite
  • Builds immunity
  • Aids weight loss
  • Combats pimples
  • Excellent for glowing skin
  • Aids in quick healing of wounds

Way of administering curry leaves for different ailments

The method of administering the curry leaves is different for different ailments. Let’s explore some of them.

Way of administering curry leaves for arresting vomiting

Clean the curry leaves and grind it with minimal usage of water. Strain and drink the juice.

This will arrest vomiting.

Way of administering curry leaves for building immunity

Heat ghee and add curry leaves and turmeric powder. Boil and cool. Strain and consume the ghee.

This is usually given to children to boost immunity.

Way of administering curry leaves for lowering blood sugar levels

Wash and sun-dry the curry leaves. Powder it and store in an air-tight container. Consume 3-4 grams of this powder daily morning.

This helps in lowering blood sugar levels as well as increasing production of insulin by the pancreas. If the curry leaves are consumed regularly, for a period of 30 days by diabetic patients, research has proven that the following will decrease in the body

  • Blood glucose level
  • Glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c)
  • Urea level
  • Uric acid level
  • Creatinine level

This will benefit the diabetic patients and go a long way in postponing the resultant health issues caused by diabetes.

Way of administering curry leaves for combating pimples and for glowing skin

Wash the curry leaves and make a paste. Massage it on the area of the face affected by pimple. Wash after few minutes. Use it as a face pack for a glowing skin. The curry leaves paste can be applied on heat boil as well.

Way of administering curry leaves for healing stomach pain, gastric trouble and indigestion

Wash few curry leaves; tear them and add them to two glasses of boiling water. Boil it till it is reduced to one-fourth quantity (half a glass). Strain and drink.

Way of administering curry leaves for healing wounds/ cuts

Wash a handful of curry leaves; tear them and boil them in water.  Wash the wound with this water. The healing process will be quick.

Way of administering curry leaves for preventing premature greying of hair

Wash a handful of curry leaves and grind to a coarse, thick paste. Heat a cup of coconut oil, add the paste and keep on flame till the paste blackens. Strain and store in a glass bottle. Apply daily or massage it on the scalp. Leave it on for an hour and rinse off with a mild shampoo.



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