Privacy Policy


Here’s Our Commitment To Yours

Our Privacy Policy

For those who want the short and relevant answer, we will always, ALWAYS, respect your privacy, your email address, and the information you give us. We’re not going to sell it, trade it, or abuse any information you submit to us. But I’m sure you’ve got some questions.

Here’s our answers to what may be running through your mind.

How’s My Information Going To Be Used?

When you sign up on our Products or Services, you’ll be receiving relevant information about AVN AROGYA’s invites to our online events, as well as information about programs or products that pertain to health, diseases, treatments and wellness.

How Do I To Stop Receiving Emails From You In The Future?

If you wish to stop receiving emails from us, you may unsubscribe at any time using the link provided at the bottom of all our emails. But if you’re still receiving emails from us, don’t worry, our Customer Relationship Manager will be there for you!

All you have to do is drop our Customer Happiness Manager an email at or send one from our ‘Contact’ page here.

Who’s Going To Get My Information?

Your information’s safe with us. So don’t worry about getting spam emails about Viagra or debt consolidation. We’ll never give out your email address or any of the information you submit on this site to anyone else.

What If I Email You Guys?

Your emails are confidential, we won’t share your email, data, or email address. Cool? It’s just between you and us.

Do You Guys Use Cookies?

Yup, but our cookies don’t contain any personal information. We use them to help you make using our website easier, such as:

  • To remember your country and language preferences
  • To deliver information that match your interests
  • To help us understand our audience and traffic patterns
  • To let you automatically log into programs and parts of our site that require membership
  • To manage and present site info displayed on our website that will be specific to you

We also use Web Beacons to collect non-personal data on how you use our site, such as how long did you visit our page, what web browser you’re using, what’s your operating system, and who’s your Internet service provider. In addition we also use Google Analytics data and the DoubleClick cookie to serve ads based on a user’s prior visits to our website. This data is collected from thousands of site visits and analyzed as a whole. This helps us build a better website to match our visitors’ needs.

What If I Post In One Of Your Forums Or Blog Posts?

Occasionally we hold public discussions through forums within our site. This may be on blog posts we put up or in our membership area. Please be aware that this is public space. Would you shout out your credit card information in public? Probably not. Use this same discretion when you post in our forums and when commenting.

How Tech Savvy Are You Guys When It Comes To Data Security?

We’re real good. We have a ton (and wide variety, may I mention) of administrative, managerial, and technical security measures put in place to protect your personal information. We’ve never had a breach of security and always strive for excellence in maintaining your privacy.

Got more questions? You can get a hold of our customer happiness manage

Your Privacy Is Very Important To Us

We want to make your experience on the Internet as enjoyable and rewarding as possible, and we want you to use the Internet’s vast array of information, tools, and opportunities with complete confidence.

We have created this Privacy Policy to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy and security. This Privacy Policy describes how our company collects information from all end users of our Internet services (the “Services”), including those who access some of our Services but do not have accounts (“Visitors”) and those who may purchase Products and/or pay a monthly service fee to subscribe to the Service (“Members”). This Policy also explains what we do with the information we collect, and the choices Visitors and Members have concerning the collection and use of such information. We request that you read this Privacy Policy carefully.



Members may be asked to provide certain personal information when they sign up for our Products or Services including name, address, telephone number, billing information (such as a credit card number), and the type of personal computer being used to access the Services. The personal information collected from Members during the registration process (or at any other time) is used primarily to provide a customized experience as you use our Products and Services. Your information will never be licensed or sold to any third party. However, we may make limited disclosure of personal information under the specific circumstances described below.

Affiliate Links

Occasionally you may have clicked on one of AVN AROGYA’s affiliate links and signed up or bought something via that link. In this case, the person or organization in charge of the affiliate link will have the information that you have submitted. This may be your email address, name, address, or whatever else they asked you. If you have signed up for bought something from AVN AROGYA via an affiliate link, please check the privacy policy on their site.

Online Shopping

If you order services or products directly from our Company we will use the personal information you provide only to process that order. We do not share this information with outside parties except to the extent necessary to complete that order.

If you complete an order for some other company(ies) that may be linked to our Site, such as an online gift order sent directly to a recipient, you may be asked to provide information about the recipient, such as the recipient’s name, address, and phone number. Our company has no control over the third parties’ use of any personal information you provide when placing such an order. Please exercise care when doing so. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Privacy and Terms of Use policies of any other company(ies) whose web sites you may access from our site.

Responses To Email Inquiries

When Visitors or Members send email inquiries to our company, the return email address is used to answer the email inquiry we receive. Our company does not use the return email address for any other purpose and does not share the return email address with any third party.

Thanks for reading our privacy policy.

What If I Email You Guys?

Your emails are confidential, we won’t share your email, data, or email address. Cool? It’s just between you and us.

Automatic Collection Of Information

Cookies: Our Company may use “Cookies” to collect information. Cookies are small pieces of information stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive, at a web site’s request. Our Company Cookies do not contain any personal information, but are used primarily as follows:

  • To keep track of temporary information. For example, Cookies allow us to keep track of the pictures you upload and download
  • To register you in special programs. Cookies allow us to remember you when you login to the places on our site that require Membership
  • To remember your country and language preferences
  • To help us understand the size of our audience and traffic patterns
  • To collect and record information about what you viewed on our Web site and what you viewed in our e-mail
  • To manage and present site information and the pictures displayed on your computer
  • To deliver information specific to your interests

Web Beacons: We may also place small “tracker gifs” or “beacons” on many of the pages on our website, in online advertising with third parties, and in our email. We use these beacons, in connection with Cookies, to collect non-personal data on the usage of our site including but not limited to the date and time of the visit, the pages visited, the referring web page, the type of browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, NetScape), the type of operating system (e.g., Windows, Linux, or Mac), and the domain name of the visitor’s Internet service provider (e.g., AOL). This information is collected about thousands of site visits and analyzed as a whole. This information is useful in, for example, tracking the performance of our online advertising such as online banner ads and to determine where to place future advertising on other web sites.

Disabling Cookies And Beacons

If you are uncomfortable with the collection of such information through the use of Cookies and Beacons, we recommend disabling these features through your browser preferences, though please understand this will limit the performance and functionality of our Company’s Web site. Your browser documentation should provide specific procedures for disabling cookie and beacon support.

You may also opt out of the DoubleClick cookie by visiting the Google advertising opt-out page:

Or you may opt out of Google Analytics by visiting the Google Analytics Opt-out page:


Some parts of our site may enable you to participate in public services such as discussion boards, chats, and live events. Please use discretion when posting personal information about yourself when using these services. Be aware that when you disclose personal information at these sites, such as your name, member name, email address, etc., the information may be collected and used by others to send unsolicited email. The services are open to the public, and what you post there can be seen by anyone and is not protected. We try to moderate the comments as best we can but we can’t guarantee total control of the comments that you may receive while you participate in these services. Sometimes, you may find other people’s comments to be offensive, harmful or inaccurate.

But none of these sentences are offensive at all:

  • You’re wonderful!
  • My goodness, your butt looks amazing in those jeans.
  • How can someone as beautiful as you be allowed out on the streets?
  • Thanks for gracing our website with your presence

Our Company’s Commitment To Data Security

We implement a variety of administrative, managerial, and technical security measures to help protect your personal information. Our Company has various internal control standards which relate specifically to the handling of personal information. These include certain controls to help safeguard the information we collect online. Our employees are trained to understand and comply with these controls and we communicate our Privacy Notice, practices and guidelines to our employees. However, while we strive to protect your personal information, you must also take steps to protect your information. We urge you to take every precaution to protect your personal information while you are on the Internet.

Services and Web sites we sponsor have security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. While we make every effort to ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee that our security measures will prevent third-party “hackers” from illegally obtaining this information.

Revisions To This Policy

Our Company reserves the right to revise, amend, or modify this policy, and our other policies and agreements at any time and in any manner, by updating this posting.

Where To Direct Questions About Our Privacy Policy

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the practices described herein, you may contact us through the contact information provided on this website.


Liability Disclaimer

The information, software, products, and services embodied in or accessible through AVN Arogya restricted might include inaccuracies or craft errors. AVN Arogya herewith disclaims all warranties and conditions with regard to this data, software, products, services and related graphics, including all silent warranties and conditions of the state, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement.

Indemnity Disclaimer

Users shall not transmit /publish or cause so to be done on the AVN Arogya restricted web {site} or any coupled site, any material which is lustful as appeals to the lustful interest or if it have an effect on is such as to tend to pervert and corrupt persons World Health Organization ar doubtless to browse, see or hear the matter contained or embodied in it. Users agree to indemnify and hold AVN Arogya and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers and employees, harmless from any claim, demand, or damage, including reasonable lawyer’s fees, forced by any third party due to or arising out of user’s use of or conduct on AVN Arogya services. AVN Arogya reserves the right to disclose any information about the use of the AVN Arogya services, including its contents, without user’s prior permission.


All content related to AVN Arogya corporate and business activities, as well as those of its associates included on AVN Arogya’s site as well as on associated sites, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips and software, is the sole property of AVN Arogya and / or its associates, and is protected by appropriate legislations concerning protection and preservation of intellectual property rights and international agreement relating thereto. The compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement and assembly) of all content on this site is also the sole property of AVN Arogya and/ or its associates and is protected by appropriate laws as stated above. All software used on this site is the property of AVN Arogya and its partners or its software vendors and are protected by Indian and foreign copyright laws. Any other use, including the duplication, editions, distribution, transmission, republication, display or performance, of the content on this site, is strictly prohibited.


Users right to access AVN Arogya and related websites are not transferable. Any user access given to end user to obtain data or documents isn’t transferable and remains the property of AVN Arogya restricted and or its associates because the case is also.

Applicable Law

This site is created and controlled by AVN Arogya restricted in Tamil Nadu (India); intrinsically the laws of Asian country shall apply; courts in Tamil Nadu (India ) solely shall have jurisdiction in respect of all the terms, conditions and disclaimers. AVN Arogya reserves the right to form changes to the positioning and therefore the terms, conditions and disclaimers.

Intellectual Property Rights

” AVN Arogya respects intellectual property rights of third parties and states that products can NOT be equipped to countries during which these can be in conflict with existing material possession Rights of a 3rd party. AVN Arogya also maintains that the final responsibility lies completely with the client.”

Call Us
+91 95002 92220
AVN Arogya Ayurvedic Centre
Madurai, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kochi & Malaysia

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